Friday, November 8, 2013

in creating a novel ~

Yesterday hit the 7 day hump of NaNoWriMo. At this point exactly a year ago I felt alright in my writing, ahead of the game even and geared up and ready to go for the next week ready to take on the challenge head on. This year has been different, the struggle to write every day has been unbearable and it was only the first day when I fell behind and was having to be convinced not to give up. It's been an interesting ride so far, having come from behind to being caught up withe very day now. It's still a struggle to write everyday sometimes,  but the support is there and my novel is slowly starting to shape up. What had once started as a miss shaped lump of words is starting to formulate into a path, into a sort of shape that's given me something to work with. I'm still not sure how to get from point A to B most of the time and I just let the words spew out uncontrollably  but coming out on the morning of day 8 I've at least got a decent idea of what point A and B is, and ever C and D. It might not be showing that much progress as far as word count or page numbers go, but as a writer I'm making progress in my world and that is the only progress that matter ins the writing process. 
Years having passed, this being my third attempt at Nano, first year didn't go so well where as my second year last year I completed the 50k word sprint in the month. What does that mean though? A year later and all I have to show for last year's November project is 53k words, ten chapters, and 82 pages of a half spent novel. Come November thirtieth the pressure was off? Who cared if I did or didn't have a completed novel nobody was keeping track of me, nobody was harping on me every second of the day to get my word count in, i didn't have a word count. The deadlines were done, the writing time was spent and after just taking a few days off to relax from writing, I ended up falling back into a routine where my 2012 NaNo novel The Jacket lay hidden in my google doc's folder for NaNo incomplete. So, was there even a point? Was infinite bragging rights worth it if I did nothing with what I worked so hard on? Am I even worthy of these bragging rights? I don't have the answer for that...
This years Novel however is seeming to cause a much different threat to me than sitting around incomplete for the next year. In 2012 by page 20 of my novel I was at 13k words and just barely starting into chapter three. Now for my 2013 Nano at the starting page 20 I'm around the 12k mark on my words and coming to the ends of Chapter 3. This sets me about a thousand words behind, while being a chapter ahead of last years accomplishments. These are just the numerical facts that aren't so worrying on their own, but when I think about the progress I've made so far in this years project Trepidation I worry that I might be rushing my plot. I worry that when I complete NaNo this month, I might actually have a completed Novel on my hands. Then what? 
I suppose I could let it sit there for all of eternity and pretend that I never wrote it and never look back at the mess that was the curse of NaNo '13, but does't that put me in the same position of having an uncompleted novel? I fear the follow through that is necessary with the NaNo process. I'm afraid of taking my baby, that I spent so long working over and having to pick it apart down to the very last sentence structure. I fear completing the editing process and then hey, cool I have  a completed edited Novel! Now what? Do I send it off to publishers? Do I get it printed and send it on a trial run with close families and friends? What do I do?
These fears make me question why I do this every year. Why do I struggle so much for something, then have to much fear to follow through with it? Am I just not cut out for my dreams? That's not who I want to be. I want to be the person who completes her Novels, who goes on and does great things, I want my idea's to be seen, and heard, and read. If for just one moment, I could create a world, that brings tears to my readers eyes, or strikes fear in their hearts for just a moment because they got lost in it forgetting the reality around them, if it were just one person who felt this way about my writing, I will have done what I set out to do.

That, is why this year things plan to be different. Whether I end up with a completed Novel, or I end up with a mesh of words that need an ending, I don't want to give up. I won't give up, I want to see this project, and last years projects through to the end. I don't owe it to you, I don't even owe it to myself, I owe it to Colleen the main character of 2012's NaNo The Jacket and to Janie the main character of this years Novel Trepidation. 

Current Project: Trepidation (2013 NaNoWriMo); First Draft
Now Playing: I Wanna, All American Rejects

1 comment:

  1. You've got a bunch of NaNo writer friends who are or have been on the same boat as you at one point or another, so don't think for a moment that you're not surrounded by people who will support you through this! Whether your novel is finished by the end of November or not, it will be finished at some point, and when it is, then you'll have us there to help you through the revision process and whatever might come next.

    You'll do brilliantly, Jessibabe, you just have to keep believing in yourself! I KNOW you are capable. :)
