Monday, November 11, 2013

to get ahead you must first fall behind~

As far as nanoing goes, my word count numbers are seriously lacking and it pains me to say that I'm nearly 4k behind where I need to be by midnight tonight. I've been struggling to get ahead of it, but in the end it's what needs to be done. As much as I love to write, and as much as I would love to make a life out of it in the future and a career of spreading my words and joys to people, I need to think realistically about right now. What my life is right now, and what it is it's not exactly pretty. 
Tomorrow will be the one month since I moved from Yakima to Lynnwood to live with my dad and just try and get a grip on my life. As much as I miss my family and my friends from back home, I honestly can't say that I regret moving. Since being in Lynnwood I've been able to clear my mind and think straight, I feel like my stress levels are better than ever and while I still have my depression spells as I naturally will, its not something I can run away from, I don't necessarily feel like a complete train wreck all the time off of my pills like I used too. I have my days where I struggle, but who doesn't? Some days I miss my family and friends more than others, but i feel it's understandable. I had to at some point get out though, I needed to start to forge my own path and that is what I'm doing.
Since being in Lynnwood I've been sending in Job applications like mad and it's seemed to be paying off in the long run now. I've got three interviews scheduled and fingers crossed they go well. Getting a job is an incredible step in my book for being up here as it was one of my major pushes into moving. You're thought and well wishes would be the best for me right now and I would appreciate all the luck I could get. 
As well as getting a job and the path that would set me on is remarkable, one thing I'm looking forward to more than anything is starting school in January. I'm going down the Edmonds Community College later this week to finish my application process and complete the placement assessment given that my FASFA has been completed and sent in and approved and now everything is my hands to work out with the school from there. 
It just feels like everything is slowly starting to fall into place for me and while my poor nano is sitting neglected with just a few hundred words a day wrote in it, I'm still writing in it every day. I'm still pushing myself to work to the best of my abilities given the things that are going down and I'm proud of myself.  I'm not disappointed in my lack of progress nor am I going to beat myself up over this, because though in one area of my life I've fallen behind, I've taken some major steps in the parts of my life that matter the most to me right this minute and that's what i've needed all this time. Some sort of sign that it was all going to be okay. 

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